
The Mission Statement 

The mission of the irrigation and hydraulics department is to develop technical expertise capable of understanding the physical environment related to water sciences and its application to the benefit of Egypt. The department aims to develop well-educated civil engineers with a special expertise in water-related engineering projects who can enrich the water resources and public works field. The department also aims to prepare its graduates to appreciate sustainable integrated water systems and environment-related issues. This will support the development of talented engineers who can meet the present and future challenges in Egypt, the Arab countries, and the Nile River.

The Objectives

To produce student graduates with:

  • Knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of civil engineering, specializing in the fields of fluids and water sciences and their applications.
  • Professional and practical skills to solve fluid- and water-related engineering problems while considering the sustainable environment.
  • Ability to design, construct, protect, and carry out maintenance of all types of construction projects especially water control structures, irrigation and drainage systems, water networks, pump stations and coastal structures.
  • Intellectual skills of analysis and the ability to think in creative and innovative ways directed towards problem-solving and design.
  • Ability to use some computer programs and information technology and write technical reports.
  • The acquired knowledge of the environmental impact of projects.
  • General and transferable skills of collaborating, communicating, and managing tasks effectively within a multidisciplinary team.

Facilities and Laboratories

The facilities and Laboratories are:

Undergraduate lab : including experiments for hydraulic properties, open channels, Bernoulli’s applications, flow through pipes, pumps performance.
Research Lab : including water transport in channels experiments, water velocity trough open channel measurements, sediment transport experiments.
Water Quality lab : including devices for chemical and physical analysis like PH meter, B.O. meter, turbidity meter, dedicated filter photometer,  Bench top Spectrophotometer, TSS system, reverse osmosis lab-scale unit.
GIS lab : including 50 computers serving undergraduate and post graduate students, the lab offers training courses for several computer applications.

Career Opportunities

The graduates have a great job opportunity to lead all sustainable water-related projects, including improving Egypt’s water resources, implementing Egypt’s ongoing massive infrastructure projects, securing a water supply for Egypt’s citizens, upgrading Egypt’s irrigation systems, developing the needed ports, saving Egypt’s coastal and marine environment, protecting the water sources against pollution, and designing the adequate structures for protection against the dangers of unexpected floods, storms, and wave actions. Many governmental authorities can employ our graduates within the Ministries of Water Resources and Irrigation, the Ministry of Housing and New Communities, the Ministry of Environmental Affairs, the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater, etc.  The private sector also attracts many graduates to do design and execution works inside and outside Egypt.

Areas of Study

The department handles the following main courses in four academic years:civil drawings, fluid mechanics, Irrigation & drainage systems, Hydraulics, design of irrigation structures, groundwater hydrology, environmental hydrology, Networks, Harbor, Navigation & Shore Engineering, Modern Irrigation Systems, Water Resources Engineering, Management & Maintenance of Irrigation Projects, Pump stations, Dams, Environmental Impact Assessment for Water Projects, Coastal Environmental Engineering, Water Management.

Scientific Degrees

  • Bachelor Degree of Science in Civil Engineering, Water and Hydraulic Structures Section.
  • Diploma in Irrigation and Drainage Engineering.
  • Diploma in Hydraulic Engineering and Water Structures.
  • Diploma in Water Resources and Environment.
  • Diploma in Harbor Engineering, Inland Navigation and Shore Protection.
  • Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering (Irrigation and Hydraulics).
  • Master of Science in Civil Engineering (Irrigation and Hydraulics).
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering (Irrigation and Hydraulics).

Heads of Department